More than half the workers and staff members in this mill are women. 这个工厂过半数的职工是妇女。
Stores that sell tourist articles and catering units shall not be permitted to pay commission or other remuneration to tourist agencies or their workers and staff members. 经销旅游商品的商店、饮食单位,不准付给旅行社及其职工回扣或其他报酬。
We have launched'Fitness Campaign for Hundreds of Millions of People, including Youth and Children, Peasants, Women, Workers and Staff Members, and the Old-Aged People '. 积极开展“亿万青少年儿童、农民、妇女、职工、老年人健身活动”;
The employment and discharge of the workers and staff members of an equity joint venture shall be stipulated in accordance with the law in the agreement and contract concluded by the parties to the venture. 合营企业职工的雇用、解雇,依法由合营各方的协议、合同规定。
The workers and staff members of a foreign-capital enterprise shall pay individual income tax in accordance with the provisions of Chinese laws and regulations. 第五十一条外资企业的职工应当依照中国法律、法规的规定,缴纳个人所得税。
Under the current system of the basic medical insurance for workers and staff members in town of our country, for the retired who have effected insurance, neither the unit nor the person himself is to pay the premium. 目前,我国实行的城镇职工基本医疗保险制度,退休人员参保,单位和个人均不缴费。
The office is headed by a Chief Executive with eight functional divisions and a staff of 128. However, among the Han cadres, workers and staff members in Tibet, the policy of one child per couple has been advocated and enforced. 消委会由总干事担任首长,设有八个工作部门,共有职员128人。对汉族干部、职工则提倡和实行一对夫妇只生一个孩子。
Dedicated workers and staff members enhanced their safety environment, trained for safety awareness, and implemented improved practices. 敬业的比塞洛斯工人和雇员们强化了安全环境,培养了安全意识,同时改进了安全举措。
Influence of Program of Quality-oriented Education for Capital Workers and Staff Members to Teachers 职工素质教育工程对教师自身素质的影响力
Governmental departments concerned shall, in determining the quota for recruiting and employing workers and staff members, allot a certain proportion of the quota to disabled persons. 政府有关部门下达职工招用、聘用指标时,应当确定一定数额用于残疾人。
Present Situation Investigation and Analysis of Sports for Workers and Staff Members in Soochow Foreign Invested Enterprise& Example of SuZhou Industrial Park 苏州地区外资企业职工体育现状调查与分析&以苏州工业园区为例
A relatively small joint venture may sign contracts with the workers and staff members individually. 规模较小的合营企业,也可以同职工个别地签订。
One of interesting things is that the organization system of workers and staff members participation is not relatively changeable. 有趣的是,职工参与的组织体制却是相对不变化的。
However, among the Han cadres, workers and staff members in Tibet, the policy of one child per couple has been advocated and enforced. 对汉族干部、职工则提倡和实行一对夫妇只生一个孩子。
First of all, on behalf of all the workers and staff members of the factory, I'd like to extend a very warm welcome to our American friends. 首先,我代表我们厂方的全体员工向美国来的朋友表示热烈的欢迎。
All the workers and staff memBers are working as one and are fighting in the fourth quarter for further improvement of quality and efficiency. 全体员工齐心协力,奋战四季度,提高质量和效益,力争再上新台阶。
It has important social and practical significance that bank uniformly payes out wages of workers and staff members. 我国行政事业单位的职工工资由银行统一发放具有重大的社会意义和现实意义。
The trade unions as representing and safeguarding basic interests of workers and staff members should train learning workers and staff members. 作为代表和维护职工群众根本利益的工会组织,大力培育学习型职工愈发显得重要和迫切。
Problems in the current policies of solving employment in China are that the reemployment project is only for the workers and staff members who have lost their jobs in state owned enterprises and is divorced from the demand of social employment as a whole; 我国当前解决就业问题的政策存在的问题是,再就业工程仅仅着眼于国有企业的下岗职工,脱离了社会整体性就业的要求;
Equal consultation and collective contract system should be strengthened in light of specific conditions of trade union organizations at all levels in Beijing, which are the principal ways and work carriers of safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of workers and staff members. 北京市各级工会结合各自的实际,大力加强平等协商和集体合同制度的建设,把这项制度作为维护职工合法权益的主要形式和工作载体。
Discussing on the significance and necessity of strengthening the education and training for enterprises 'workers and staff members and increasing the knowledge structure of enterprises' managerial personnel in all-round way under social market condition. 论述了在社会主义市场经济条件下,加强企业职工的教育培训,全面提高企业管理人员知识结构的重要性和必要性。
Facing with various challenges under a new situation, enterprises and workers and staff members should improve their political, cultural, technological and psychological qualities in order to have a high-quality rank of workers and staff members adapting to market economy. 在新形势下,企业和职工面临各种挑战,应以创新的精神,提高职工的政治、文化、技术和心理素质,建立市场经济需要的高素质职工队伍。
Therefore, the system of workers and staff members participating in adminis-tering a company has been effectively promoted. 明确规定公司的职工董事和职工监事制度,极大地推进了职工参与公司治理制度的深化和规范化。
Sport for Workers and Staff Members in New Period: Challenge and Chance 试论新时期我国职工体育面临的挑战与机遇
So it is extremely urgent to develop and improve the technical ability of workers and staff members. 然而,目前我国劳动力市场高级技工匮乏的现象十分严重,培养和提高职工技能素质的任务迫在眉睫。
Present Situation Investigation and Analysis of Sports for Workers and Staff Members in Chinese Three Types Enterprise 我国三资企业职工体育的现状调查与分析
The Values and Organization System of Workers and Staff Members 'Participation in SOEs 国有企业职工参与的价值取向与组织体制&二者非同步变化现象的案例研究
The trade unions as the Party's bridges and bonds linking the Party with workers and staff members must strengthen go-aheadism trade union work and improve a new level. 工会作为党联系职工群众的桥梁和纽带,要实践“三个代表”,就必须加强工会工作的主动性,把工会工作提高到一个新的水平。
The essential characteristics of the Chinese trade unions decide that to strengthen ideological and political education of the workers and staff members is an important part that trade unions in colleges and universities realize their educational function. 我国工会的本质特征决定了加强职工思想政治教育是我国高校工会实现教育职能的重要组成部分。
The non-state owned economy has a great development in China. How to safeguard legitimate rights and interests of workers and staff members in these enterprises is a problem that trade unions must face. 非公有制经济在我国已经有了极大的发展,如何在这类企业中维护职工的合法权益是工会组织必须面对的问题。